Katharina Karner

born 1983 in Vienna, lives and works in Vienna and Grein, Upper Austria


2009                       Diploma

2002 – 2009            University for applied Arts, Vienna / Fine Arts / Painting

2004 – 2010,
2016 – 2022            Academy of Fine Arts, University / Art Pedagogy

Solo Shows (selection):

2024                       E-Dur, Trude!, Kunsthalle Grein

2023                       Pop Up 1 (with Teer), Villa Herndl, Grein

2022                       Gestern. Heute. Morgen. (1986. 2002. 2022), Kunsthalle Grein

2021                       No Dreams Allowed (with Teer), Brunnhofer Gallery, Linz

2017                       Kids, Brunnhofer Gallery, Linz

2016                       Realitäten 02, Balzer Projects, Basel, CH

2015                       Smells Like Gold with Brunnhofer Gallery, VOLTA, New York

2015                       Past Forward, Brunnhofer Gallery, Linz

2012                       K.U.R. – Karner’s Universal Robots, Brunnhofer Gallery, Linz

2009                       Real(i)ties, diploma exhibition, University for Applied Arts, Vienna

                               Gute Mächte, MOYA – Museum of Young Art, Vienna

2006                       Heimattraum, Kunstraum Praterstraße 15, Vienna (with Iris Nitzl)

2005                       Mutti, Vati, ein richtiges Reh!, Galerie Školská, Prague